Perpustakaan Alam Bina (PTAB)
Perpustakaan Alam Bina (PTAB) Satellite Library is located at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam Campus, Malaysia. The library serves as the main resource center for students and academic staff at UiTM Shah Alam, providing various facilities and collections of scholarly materials to support the learning, teaching, and research process.
Library Event
Pembentangan Pencapaian Prestasi PS Perpustakaan UiTM Sukuan Empat (Q4) Tahun 2024 dan Hala Tuju 202...
Mon, 3. March 2025, %09:%Mar - %12:%Mar -
Bengkel Tadbir Urus Data Perpustakaan UiTM: Pengukuhan Pengurusan Data dan Statistik Perpustakaan Ui...
Tue, 11. March 2025, %08:%Mar - Wed, 12. March 2025, %16:%Mar
Fact and Figure
Seating Capacity
Library Activities / Highlight
Contact Us:
Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Email: sitirohayu@uitm.edu.my
Telephone: 03 5544 4392
Officer: Siti Rohayu Mohamad Yusof
Customer Services | 03 5544 4393
Consultation Services
03 55443932 |
Siti Rohayu Mohamad Yusof